Thursday, June 11, 2015

Understanding Chaos

I'm not referring to non-linear dynamical systems. :)

Chaos in alignment can be a very sophisticated concept. What is it? The absence of law? A governing principle of character and behavior? How do we treat it in a game reality?

Let's start with some research and definitions of alignment. According to my edition of Holmes Basic (3rd Edition, p.8), “Chaotic characters are quite unpredictable and can not be depended upon to do anything except the unexpected...” This concept of chaos is eminently playable. It gives parameters, without limiting players to anything specific. There are years of fun in this, and we could stop right there.

This definition describes individuals. For a wider concept of chaos and more sophisticated campaign adventures above and below ground, we need something more than Dr. Holmes definition. Turning to Gygax the Great we have, “...alignment describes the world view of creatures and helps to define what their actions, reactions and purposes will be.” Dungeon Masters Guide, 1979 Revised Edition, p.23. Rather than re-typing that which you can read yourself, I 'll summarize by saying that his descriptions of chaotic alignments in the DMG and the Players Handbook (6th printing) emphasize freedom and independence over “law, order, social forms and anything else which tends to restrict or abridge individual freedom,” (ibid.).

From the PHB Second Edition, “The character's alignment is a guide to his basic moral and ethical attitudes towards others, society, good, evil and the forces of the universe in general. Always consider alignment as a tool, not a straitjacket that restricts the character. Although alignment defines general attitudes, it certainly doesn't prevent a character from changing his beliefs, behaving irrationally or acting out of character.”

Other 2e texts also refer to the idea of alignment being a tool rather than a rigid set of expectations – sounds a lot like a chaotic person's belief system!

A convenient on-line dictionary ( has as a definition of chaos, “a state of utter confusion or disorder; a total lack of organization or order.”

Clearly, there are some differing ideas here – and I'm not even touching later editions. There seems to be one group that identifies chaos as similar to anarchy. There seems to be another group that sees chaos as merely highly individualistic. The more we examine chaos, the more messy it becomes – which is, of course, appropriately chaotic! There are, I think, degrees of chaos that can be exploited to create a more robust understanding, but some of this comes down to how you define it.

How do we define chaos without referencing law?

For example, once upon a time in an earlier period of my life cycle, I knew someone who claimed to be a “non-conformist.” He wore purple shirts with green and white striped pants and black and white sneakers. His hair was, naturally, reddish orange. He was damn near a walking rainbow. Eventually it was pointed out to him that even though he took an anti-thetical position to conformity (of dress and general disposition), his position outside “conformity” was still defined by conformity. His position was not possible without its relation to conformity, so that he was still being defined by conformist beliefs and attitudes. Though he opposed the slavish attitudes and conventions of conformity, he was slavishly devoted to a position itself defined by the same conformity. Could he truly call himself a non-conformist? Let's keep in mind this idea of a concept defined by its antithesis as we move on.

As mentioned earlier, some define chaos as equivalent to anarchy and lawlessness. I think of anarchy as fitting of Chaotic Evil, and as I have described elsewhere, demons and biker gangs seem good examples. What might be good examples of a non-anarchic chaos?

Often in fiction and in many campaigns, the Lawful Good – Chaotic Evil axis is the main storyline, the dynamic of the grand epic. In the Kemen campaign, it is the Chaotic Good- Lawful Evil axis that is the primary. This resulted from the affinity that I, and some of my players, shared for Star Wars and some other stories. Darth Vader is (to me) clearly Lawful Evil. Han Solo, the smuggler with a heart and a sense of loyalty, seems very much Chaotic Good. Does Gandalf really feel Lawful Good to you? Some think he's chaotic, others perhaps Neutral Good. Other examples of Chaotic Good: Captain James Tiberius Kirk; Danny Ocean; James Bond; John Keating, Robin Williams' character in Dead Poet's Society.

Now follow me on this last example. When I've used this example in the past, I've had people tell me that almost everything Robin Williams did was chaotic because he would randomly generate dialogues and characters on the spot. That got me thinking to a conversation I overheard between two teenagers in which Teen B responded to something Teen A said. Teen A accused Teen B of a non sequitur by saying, “Random!” Teen B said, “Just because you don't see the connection doesn't make it random.”

Just because you don't see the connection doesn't make it random. Once more, just because you don't see the connection doesn't make it random. Just because you don't see/perceive/understand the order and organization,doesn't meant that there isn't one.

Chaos is a system of ordering and organization based on maximizing individual freedoms and independence, rather than rigid laws and linear ideas of order. The fact that you can't see the order and organization is a reflection of your own bias. The structure is there, but is imperceptible to those who are conditioned to see law as “order.” Chaos is a different structure. “Just because you don't see the connection doesn't make it random.” Chaos doesn't have to mean anarchy and doesn't have to depend heavily upon law for its definition.
It takes some brain power, I grant you, to imagine as “normal” what we here in our ordered world would call “chaos and anarchy.” I think it can be done. The trick, for me, is to think of chaos as having degrees. Not everyone who has conservative beliefs or liberal beliefs is as extreme as the talking heads on tv. Not every chaotic culture has to be anarchic as well. Yes, some chaotics are anarchists (in my campaign these are CE, these I have said), but you can be chaotic without being an anarchist.

Other concepts could include a place where the laws are plentiful, but generally ignored by the populace. The laws may exist, but their chaotic nature results in little compliance.

Slyr Dorom is an example of a chaos-based society from Kemen. The primary type of law is kirun (extended family) law. The daina (head) makes the rules for the family. Anyone in the family who does not like it can appeal to the kirun, usually a group of family heads. When conflicts occur between families, the kirun of each meet to arrange a settlement. This ends one of three ways: a settlement, refer up to a noble, or a feud. When referred up to a neutral arbitrator – say a count or duke – the decision is final only if the kirun of both families choose to accept it. There is a king, but he actively avoids involvement in anything that doesn't rise to kingdom level import. Hence, there is kingdom law, and kirun law, which sounds like a lot of law. Comparatively little is actually binding, and most often moral behavior is taught within the kirun. Laws within the kirun can vary quite widely and change often. There is a Mark Twain quote  that fits, though it is an afterthought: Laws control the lesser man; right conduct controls the greater.

So, maybe I am referring to a non-linear dynamical system!

Some might suggest that this society is really just lawful with sprinkles of chaos. But alignment is not intended or expected to define every dimension of a character's behavior, but rather a general tendency. The same things happen with lawful societies. For example, adventurers go into the tomb, kill the orcs and nasty things and keep whatever valuables they find. How do we reconcile killing the orcs and taking their treasure? Pass a law? What about their civil rights, Mr. Paladin? At some point, you have to let go of reality and play the game.

Monday, June 8, 2015

The Second Diametrical Opposition

The term 'diametrically opposed' is usually used to refer to the alignment most opposite that of a selected reference alignment on the standard alignment chart. In this representation, Lawful Good is considered to be diametrically opposed to Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Good to Lawful Evil, and so forth.

The alignments that are diametrically opposed are also usually considered to be arch rivals of each other, as they represent the scalar opposite of both dimensions. Evil is the ultimate opposite of good, law that of chaos. Hence, Chaotic Evil is the the scalar opposite of Lawful Good. 
The neutral alignments, while they can be thought of as being in some ways diametrically opposed to each other, are really border alignments. As possible as it is that they could form an additional dimension, this is conceptually impractical.

This is the usual human conceptualization of alignment, but it is not the only one.
If one considers time as a variable, alignment can be seen as an evolution. The progression of a society, or even an individual, through the alignments can produce a second diametrical opposition. This is especially true of those races with longer lifespans, such as the elves.

Chaotic Good elves can be thought of as opposed diametrically to both Lawful Evil and Chaotic Evil. In regard to Lawful Evil, the opposition is one of basic nature and beliefs. In considering the second opposition, Chaotic Evil is seen as the end of the progression, while Chaotic Good is seen as the origin (see Culture and Alignment). As such, the beginning and the end are diametrically opposed. 
From the perspective of the Chaotic Good elf, Chaotic Evil is embodied most by the Drow and by demons. The Drow can be considered to be de-evolved, to have abandoned their beliefs, to have disgraced themselves by willingly turning from the light. They represent death and hatred. They have succumbed to the seduction of power and have sullied themselves by engaging in self-indulgent and debasing behavior. They have not lost, but willingly discarded any value or respect for life other than their own. They are not only an aberration, a mutation of the best to become the worst, they are an intentionally, purposefully and unapologetically self-created abomination.

From the Drow position, Chaotic Good elves are the willfully ignorant, those who cling to beliefs that, by Drow reckoning, are demonstrably false. They have failed to evolve, are unenlightened (unendarkened?), and cannot accept reality. They are both worthy and demanding of scorn because they have forsaken their destiny. At best, one might pity them for their wasted potential, but in the end they must be destroyed for the betterment of the race. To suffer them to live, is to allow a defective to procreate. Their death is not murder, is the necessary extinction of the weak. These are hard truths to some, but truths that the Drow judge themselves strong enough to accept.
As such Chaotic Good elves (as well as other long-lived Chaotic Good creatures) are diametrically opposed not only to Lawful Evil creatures, but also to Drow, demons, and the sentient Chaotic Evil. Lawful Good and Lawful Evil share a dimension, and as such can appreciate each other's methods if not the ends. There is no such appreciation between the Chaotic Good and Chaotic Evil in the second diametric opposition, though no doubt the singly diametrically opposed might suggest that such an appreciation is possible.


If you're looking for more 3D images and things, you should know that I am continuing to work on these, but my progress is limited by the need to learn the ins and outs of some pretty sophisticated software. There are currently two works in progress. There will be another post on alignment this week I think -- if I can clean it up fast enough.

Until then, remember to listen at doors!


Sunday, June 7, 2015

Culture and Alignment

Though we often think of alignment as fixed, cultures and societies cycle though the alignments. This is especially true in Kemen. What follows is a description of alignments with attention paid to how alignment relates to groups. In this scheme, the cycle begins with Chaotic Good and progresses in a counter-clockwise rotation around the usual alignment chart. The descriptions below of the individual alignments are listed in a way that facilitates the understanding of their differences rather than the flow between them. This aspect is discussed later.

Chaotic Evil is all about the individual. Rape and pillage, murder and mayhem, for the fun of it. CE has as its central tenets the thrill of doing whatever one wants on impulse, regardless of the 'consequences.' There is no accountability. Street gangs and motorcycle gangs (in the classic sense) are good analogs for CE. There may be a leader, but he (usually) only decides what the group will do, and does not compel membership. When very large groups coalesce, there may be a 'council' of leaders, but this is a short lived confederation rather a permanent alliance. Members are free agents, and follow because they choose to do so. They share this voluntary membership with CG, but without proscription against doing evil.

Lawful Evil is less about the raw emotion involved in evil acts, and more about control, domination, dominion and slavery. This is organized evil. It is insidious, and the true notion of what is usually referred to in the Earth Zero concept of evil. There is a hierarchy whose purpose is to maintain control. It is the focus on control at all costs that characterizes this alignment. In LE, the individual serves the hierarchy (usually a tyranny, even if the leadership is a group). Membership is compulsory. Chaos is seen as desirable only if it is controlled and serves the hierarchy goals. As nations grow, the focus of leaders turns to staying in power and defending the populace from evil and outsiders. Eventually, this leads to merely staying in power. Leaders become Lawful Evil, as the focus is law. While power is centralized, over time population and conquests increase. Parcels of power are issued to maintain control. As time and population increase, even these controls become ineffective and eventually the society disintegrates into chaotic evil. Techno-industrial societies are good examples of LE, as is the movie Brazil.

Neutral Evil is the alignment of the loner. He cares not about group membership and may be found as a part of any evil group, so long as it benefits him. He appears completely self serving, but less open about it as CE, as this could result in things that are undesirable to him. In truth, he is neutral out of fear usually, and sees his own safety, self-preservation and survival as being dependent upon not taking a stand. It is the effect and spread of neutral evil ( in the form of corruption) that tends to be the downfall of LE societies.

Chaotic Good focuses on the rights of the individual and is limited only by the responsibility to avoid doing evil. Control is seen as the first step towards evil. Societies start out as Chaotic Good. Families and 'population centers' are far enough apart to allow people to live in freedom without the interference of others. If life becomes too oppressive, there is room to move away. Altruism originates in the individual's sense of moral duty and 'being a good neighbor.' Law is seen as desirable only when absolutely necessary.

Neutral Good tend to be the unaffected. They are inconsistent followers of law, but are always mindful of what is good. They are often loners. Caine in Kung Fu, is a good example. 

As population increases, more laws become necessary to prevent the spread of evil acts. This restricts individual freedoms, but is deemed necessary to prevent evil. This is generally the start of large nations. This results in the society becoming Lawful Good. Chaos ('freedom') is seen as desirable only if it is limited. In this respect it provides the opportunity for 'wild card' solutions and influences. LG focuses on law as the way to provide limited freedom for the most people, and provide for the common good. Individual rights are considered secondary to the greater good, and may be abridged without recourse or reconciliation. Law is the way to promote good.

Lawful Neutrals are in love with love the law and respect it regardless of whether the result is good or evil. Ever meet a lawyer? 
Chaotic Neutral are in a like respect indifferent to good or evil, and respect only freedom.

True Neutrals focus on balance above all else. This philosophy generates only small societies, usually no larger than towns and villages.

Law as means to good, common good
Freedom as means to good, individual rights
Individual rights, anarchy, unbridled desire
Control, dominion, mastery, slavery and service
Relation to control
Necessary to achieve good
Hindrance to good
Anathema, directly opposes
Central, primary
Relation to opposite
Limited chaos acceptable
Limited law acceptable
Limited rules, organization acceptable
Controlled chaos acceptable

Neutral Good, Neutral Evil: Loners, sometimes immersed in society.
Lawful Neutral: Loves law above all, hates vacuum.
Chaotic Neutral: Loves freedom, resists law and control.
True Neutral: balance.

The America Wild West would be an example of the confluence of NE, LN, LG and CN.
“Hang 'Em High” is an example of the hypocrisy of 'law.'

Alignment “Flow and Drift”

Over time, the alignment of a region will usually shift. By “region,” I refer to any DM designated group. It could be a country, a province, a city, town village, tribe, whatever. The important part is that we are referring to some group of people. In Kemen, the flow or drift is generally counter-clockwise.

Note, this is only the usual path! It is very possible that a Chaotic Neutral society may swing to NG on its way to LG, bypassing CG altogether. Some may have a problem with the idea that a society can go from CE to CG. To understand this, recognize that the descent into CE is generally a one way trip because the society disintegrates. The survivors are beginning again, at CG.

This is the way it works in Kemen. Your Mileage May Vary.

You think a lot, don't you? This all seems like a lot of extra work for no productive end.

:) Yes, I do think a lot. For most adventures, this material is pretty much academic. For campaign adventures, where there are events that occur outside the immediate vicinity of the PC's, understanding how things move can help you understand how it got to be the way that it is – whicih provides grist for the mill. Knowing that a current agrarian society (CG) shuns an area of ruins because they are the descendants of the LE citystate that fell into the ruin and anarchy of CE, gives you backstory and direction for the future.

Sunday, April 19, 2015


After many years of hand-me down machines, I finally went out and got a brand new PC. This new machine is much more powerful, and I'm hoping to experience a bump in productivity. The previous machine had a Core Duo processor...

It will obviously be a little for me while I to get used to thing, but I expect to be posting more 3D maps and models soon.


Friday, March 6, 2015

March Update


Good grief, where the hell have I been?

Hard at work learning new software. I'm not really that kind of person, you know, that tech guy who is always talking about something in TechnoJive about which most people haven't the slightest glimmer of understanding. But dammit, either this is going to look like I picture it in my head or I'm not doing it. And I'm close.

This is all of course, pertaining to the Grand Temple at Yethlyreom. Wow. It's March now, isn't it?

I have also been a few other places. Kemen is not the Earth, you know. Or perhaps, Kemen is not the Earth you know. Actually, it is located in the Small Magellanic Cloud ( which used to be called the Lesser Magellanic Cloud...). It is an Earthlike planet about the size of Mercury orbiting a G5 star, with two satellites. The combined mass of the two of them is a little less then that of the Earth's moon, though one of them is scarcely larger than a large asteroid. Tides are about the same as of Earth, though more frequent. The orbital period of Kemen is 360 days, with four 90 day seasons. The year is divided into 12 months, but most cultures follow a 6 day week with 5 weeks per month.

Some do not. One culture has a 5 day week and 6 weeks per month, but they also use a base five number system.

There have been some other diversions, as well. I consider most this to be creative work, and I have learned that in creative work if you force it, you create crap. So when my creative wanderlust urges me to make notes about a Thieves Guild that is sort of like Oceans Eleven or that this baron should really be a duke, I yield to it.

If you've seen my Portown model, or the Green Dragon, you have some idea concerning the level of detail I insist upon. Each of those windows and doors was placed individually. That model may as well have been an elaborate, historically accurate, on-this-day, no-not-that blue-this-blue train set, for all the work that went into it. I am a hobbyist.

That said, this damn temple has to have the right look to have the right feel, but it also has to get done. I'm working on it. Mostly.

Trying for monthly updates until the next release,

Friday, February 6, 2015


Greetings all,

Just an update: I'm still slogging away at the Temple at Yethlyreom. Some difficult work, but I think the end result will be worth it.

Best, A

Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Coming Year

Greetings and Happy New Year to all those who wish to have one! (Far be it from me to tell you what kind of year to have...)

In case anyone's wondering, I'm working on some 3D witchery -- rather, learning how to use the software (or is it more suited to the times to say "app?"). I soon hope to be able to share the results.
In the coming months, you can expect to see the Grand Temple of Yethlyreom in all it's glory. This will put the palace to shame. The palace was a primarily linear affair, while the temple is all about curves and domes. Those familiar with the palace might have taken note of the mosaic of Thasaidon (or one of his personas). There will be an expansion on this theme, a rather dramatic one.
Though there were many gods in the Yethlyri pantheon, they only celebrated the ones they did not fear - and whom they hoped would deliver them from the rest. These were
  • Thasaidon, a fiend yes, likely to make any deal for your soul, but also the God of Magic and Death.
  • Mordiggian, The Charnel God, Eater of the Dead
  • Alila, Goddess of Perdition and Iniquity; the Goddess of Sin and Treachery
  • Ililot, Goddess of Love and Hate; usually appears as a lovely young woman, but don't piss her off, as she avenges the wronged lover.
  • Thamagorgos, God of the Outer Void.
As a side note, my reading of the pronunciation here is that <I> alone makes the "ee" sound, but when following <a> gives "ay." <T> appears to be silent unless accompanied with an <h>. Hence, Thah-SAY-duhn, Mohr-DEEG-ee-un, Ah-LEE-la, EE-lee-loh, and Thah-mah-GOHR-gohs.
If you've studied Tolkien, you might be aware that history can affect language, and in fact in some ways be derived from it. I have no idea what this might mean for Yethlyreom as yet, but thinking about it is more fun than preparing my taxes.